R The Zocalo|AVAILABLE|47441|FACTION|Horde|M|42.58,27.97|N|Run down the stairs and down and down, till you get to ground level and cross the bridge to The Zocalo.|Ī Pests|QID|47441|M|40.23,19.07|Z|Dazar'alor|N|From Nokano.|FACTION|Horde|Ĭ Pests|QID|47441|M|36.91,14.66|Z|Dazar'alor|QO|1|N|Kill Thieving Snappers.|FACTION|Horde|Ĭ Pests|QID|47441|M|35.36,7.67|Z|Dazar'alor|NC|QO|2|N|Follow the Big One.|FACTION|Horde| but shown so that you know what it is you are looking for.| N Shinys for Jani|N|The item is displayed in the text body (where normally rewards show) is not a reward. It also assumes you have finished questing in the area and have all the flightpaths available, as well as a flightmasters whistle.| N Flight|N|This guide was written pre Pathfinder II, thus you are using flightpaths, not your own flight. Also, waypoints to flightmasters will be based on the immediately previous step in the guide, whether or not you just completed that step.| (in the description, not the waypoint path). N Partial Progress|N|If you did some of the steps previously, they will be already checked off, but it might mean some of the travel steps don't make perfect sense, because they will assume starting from a point you aren't.

N Get Hek'd|FACTION|Alliance|N|This guide assumes you are starting at the 7th Legion boat in Boralus Harbor.|ITEM|163504| N Get Hek'd|FACTION|Horde|N|This guide assumes you are starting at The Great Seal in Dazar'alor.|ACH|12482 true|ITEM|163504| WoWPro.Achievements:GuideMisc(guide, "Child of Jani", "Pet", "Battle for Azeroth")

Local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide('Emm_Jani', 'Achievements', "Dazar'alor", 'Emmaleah', 'Neutral')

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